I thought it would be helpful to pull together a lot of the resources that I like to recommend to other brewers or aspiring brewers. It will grow over time as I learn of other great resources to share.
Some of the links below are affiliate links and I do earn a small commission when you click through to make a purchase. These links won’t cost you any additional money but it does help me keep the site up and trying new things that I can share. I use or have used all of these products or retailers and had good experiences. That is why I recommend them.
American Homebrewers Association – The AHA fights for the rights of homebrewers all over the country. In addition to making homebrewing legal, the AHA is dedicated to spreading knowledge about brewing for those at all levels. The annual National Homebrewers Conference brings together brewers from all over the country to learn and share homebrew. Definitely a must for all homebrewers.
Homebrew Club Directory – The AHA also provides a directory of homebrew clubs across the country. One of the biggest influences in pushing me forward in brewing was joining a local club. Having access to people who can taste your beer, give feedback and share their experiences and knowledge is an enormous asset. I highly recommend finding a club near you.
Support your local shop – Many of us today are pulled to the convenience of online shopping, but supporting your local homebrew shop is very important. They are the ones that will be there on a Sunday when you are in the middle of your brew and you realize you did not buy yeast. Not only will your local shop be there when you need them, the staff will be knowledgeable and able to help with your questions.
Amazon – Amazon carries just about everything you could ever want and recently has been increasing the amount of homebrew specific items in the marketplace.
MoreBeer – From basic homebrew setups to fully automated 20 gallon brew systems and everything in between, Morebeer has all the equipment and ingredients you could ever need to make great beer.
Northern Brewer – I’ve never been let down when looking for a tough to find ingredient. Couple that with flat rate shipping and equipment for every facet of the brewing process and you have a winner.
Beersmith – The brewing software that I use for all of my beers. Beersmith can easily scale and modify recipes and even manage your inventory of brewing ingredients. Built in brewing calculators can help you adjust the gravity of your beer, create a yeast starter and more. If you want to access your recipes from more than one computer, check out my guide about syncing Beersmith with Dropbox.